Estimates for 94 and 23 will depend on what the operator between 94 and 23 is meant to be.
compatible numbers is just like to round or estimate a number. Ex: 44 the compatible number is to 40. because if the number less than five is rounded to the nearest ten (down). Ex: 56 the compatible number is 60. why? because a number greater than 5 is rounded up.
The term that describes numbers that are easy to compute mentally is "round numbers." Round numbers are whole numbers that end in zero or five, making them simpler to work with in mental calculations. These numbers are often used in estimation and quick arithmetic tasks due to their ease of manipulation.
To estimate quotients, round the dividend and the divisor to compatible numbers.
it makes it easier when u round
498 rounds to 500
you have to round
compatible numbers is just like to round or estimate a number. Ex: 44 the compatible number is to 40. because if the number less than five is rounded to the nearest ten (down). Ex: 56 the compatible number is 60. why? because a number greater than 5 is rounded up.
The term that describes numbers that are easy to compute mentally is "round numbers." Round numbers are whole numbers that end in zero or five, making them simpler to work with in mental calculations. These numbers are often used in estimation and quick arithmetic tasks due to their ease of manipulation.
Umm you divide...
You can round it to the nearest 10: Its closer to 90 than it is to 100, so 90 is the answer. Or you can round it to the nearest 100, its closer to 100 than 0, so 100 is the answer
It means that you round each number to one, one half, or zero
Compatible numbers means to round like an example 402+198 now what we have to do is take the 198 and make it 200 and we have to take 402 and make 400 you see how I add 2 numbers in one and subtract 2 from the other.
To estimate quotients, round the dividend and the divisor to compatible numbers.
Probably 80. It's difficult to say for certain, since compatible numbers are usually found in pairs. It may be advantageous to round 77 to 75 depending on what you want to do to it.