By earning 3000 dollars more than you spend. Basically, you can concentrate on earning more, on spending less, or a little of both.
12% of 3000 dollars = 3000*12/100 dollars = 360 dollars.
3000 dollars
$903% of $3000= 3% * $3000= 0.03 * $3000= $90
3000*(7/100)*(6/12) = 105 dollars
You save 15 dollars.
Do chores and save money.
12% of 3000 dollars = 3000*12/100 dollars = 360 dollars.
You save the tax on $3000 in whatever bracket you are in; so, if you are in a 20% bracket this is $600 in your pocket.
3000 yen is $36.85 U.S. dollars
3000 * .03 = $90
Firstly 3000 dollars is a lot of money. Are you familiar with the earning conditions in your area? The firs step for you is to become familiar with the earning prospects. You have to consider about some questions: What kind of jobs can be found in my area? Among these jobs which are the ones that I am interested in and can contribute to the development of my personal skills? Among these jobs which are the ones that I can do without any counteropinion? Is it worth taking on the one that you choose? After these considerations you can make the calculation and you can decide whether 1 year is enough to save up 3000 dollars.
3000 dollars
3000 dollars
300 dollars
300 dollars
$903% of $3000= 3% * $3000= 0.03 * $3000= $90
3000 dollars