You need to learn fractions because they show up in every day life. You can for example say that someone can half of your lunch.
Generally, if you can reduce, you should, unless the directions say you don't have to.
Say them out loud. 0.39 = "thirty-nine hundredths" = 39/100
The number that is needed to multiply by to get the number 1. In fractions sometimes with just say, "Flip it."
When their denominators are the same or different numbers.
yea 0217-001570-5016-110204
Logistics say you cant
Equivalent fractions have similar values
The are important and useful but I would not say that they are famous!
The address of the Walton Pl is: 2 Cunningham Lane, Walton, 25286 0217
They're reciprocals.
You need to learn fractions because they show up in every day life. You can for example say that someone can half of your lunch.
I take it you liek mudkipz?
The address of the Hopkinton Town Library is: 61 Houston Drive, Contoocook, 03229 0217
The address of the Wheeler Library is: 101 Main St., North Stonington, 06359 0217