You read it as zero and six ten thousandths.
The date 25-05-05 in Roman numerals is XXV.V.V and the date 25-05-2005 is XXV.V.MMV
04:05 or 16:05
.05% can be written as .05/100 for Percent is 1/100 of a number.. so .05/100 = .05/100 x 100/100 = 5/10000 or .0005 therefore.. .05% of something is .0005 of something..
It does not have an engilish version, but it will have an English version soon.
moi aussi, je suis anglais - je suis anglais aussi
A really big river.
I think so.
The gilt; the gilded one/male
You read it as zero and six ten thousandths.
not at all - only nepali and some engilish
it was never madethat is the answer for Engilish
Uh you cant, you will have to buy an engilish version of it
Whatcha Say was created on 2009-05-05.