You read it as zero and six ten thousandths.
The date 25-05-05 in Roman numerals is XXV.V.V and the date 25-05-2005 is XXV.V.MMV
04:05 or 16:05
.05% can be written as .05/100 for Percent is 1/100 of a number.. so .05/100 = .05/100 x 100/100 = 5/10000 or .0005 therefore.. .05% of something is .0005 of something..
It does not have an engilish version, but it will have an English version soon.
moi aussi, je suis anglais - je suis anglais aussi
A really big river.
I think so.
The gilt; the gilded one/male
You read it as zero and six ten thousandths.
not at all - only nepali and some engilish
it was never madethat is the answer for Engilish
Whatcha Say was created on 2009-05-05.
You Don't Say - 1963 1966-05-05 was released on: USA: 5 May 1966