Eighty million.
The correct word form is: thirty sextillion, seven hundred quintillion
300,000 = three hundred thousand.
900 000 = nine hundred thousand
The prime factorization of 6,000,000,000 is: 210 × 3 × 59.
Eighty million.
Eight hundred million = 800,000,000
about 59 000
Six hundred thousand.
one hundred thousand
The correct word form is: thirty sextillion, seven hundred quintillion
300,000 = three hundred thousand.
900 000 = nine hundred thousand
The prime factorization of 6,000,000,000 is: 210 × 3 × 59.
It will be called "nienty septillion'.we can also say it 9*1022
59 000.
You say eight hundred fifteen million thirty-six thousand.