To express the number 604,016 in word form, you would say "six hundred four thousand sixteen." This follows the standard naming convention for numbers in English, where each group of three digits is named as hundreds, thousands, millions, etc.
Six hundred four thousand, sixteen.
4.700 in word form is: four and seven tenths.
103 is written in word form as one hundred three.
It is fourteen.
Six hundred four thousand, sixteen.
0.90 in word form is: nine-tenths.
76 is written in word form as seventy-six.
4.700 in word form is: four and seven tenths.
The word say is a verb. The past tense form is said. The gerund is saying.
0.3 is written in word form as zero point three.
0.309 in word form is three hundred nine thousandths.
103 is written in word form as one hundred three.
It is fourteen.