62.5% = 0.625
Expressed as a decimal, 62/100 is equal to 0.62.
Rounded to two decimal places, 62 / 63 x 100 = 98.41%
14 62/100 is 14.16 in decimal form.
62.5% = 0.625
fraction : 124/2 Decimal : 62.5
62 1/2%= 62.5%= 0.625 in decimal
31 over 62 can be simplified to one half
Expressed in decimal form, 10 and 62 hundredths is equal to 10.62.
Expressed as a decimal fraction, 62/1000 is equal to 0.062.
You look at the number. Let's say it is 0.62 which comes out as 62 hundredths. You put 62 over 100 which equals 62/100.