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Q: How do you say in Thai How many brothers and sisters do you have?
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You have as many brothers as sisters your brothers have twice as many sisters as brothers?

This is a logic puzzle. YOU are part of the puzzle, so you have equal brothers and sisters. Your brothers have twice as many sisters (meaning you) as they have brothers. So if you have one brother and one sister, they are equal. But if your brother has two sisters, he has twice as many sisters as brothers, right? It doesn't say that he HAS brothers, just that he has twice as many sisters as brothers. So you have a brother and a sister, but your brother has two sisters. Three kids, two girls and one boy.

How do you ask how many brothers or sisters in french?

To ask how many brothers or sisters someone has in French, you can say "Combien de frères ou sœurs as-tu?"

How do you say how many brothers or sisters do you have in french?

In French, you would say "Combien de frères ou sœurs as-tu?" to ask how many brothers or sisters someone has.

A family you know has several children each boy in this family has as many sisters as brothers but each girl has twice as many brothers as sisters how many brothers and sisters are there?

this is a classic riddle. but you say each BOY in this family or each BROTHER in this family? but i think there's 1 bro 1 sis,

How so you say sisters and brothers in spanish?

To say "do you have any brothers or sisters?" you say- "¿Tienes hermanas o hermanos?"

How do you say you have brothers and sisters in german?

I have brothers and sisters = ich habe Geschwister I have (3) brothers and (2) sisters = ich habe (3) Brüder und (2) Schwestern

How do you say you have 2 siblings in french?

You would say "J'ai 2 frères et sœurs" in French to express that you have 2 siblings.

How to say brothers and sisters?

Bretheren, family, kin. If you are asking about the words for brothers and sisters in another language, you have to specify the language.

How do you say how many sisters and brothers you have in french?

Combien des soeur et des frere as-tu?

How do you say how many brothers and sisters do you have?

combien as-tu de frères et sœurs ?

Are your parents siblings?

no siblings are not also parents. siblings is a word for brothers and sisters so you do not have to say my brothers and sisters all the time.

How do you say sister and brothers in spanish?

You say the words for brothers and sisters, respectively, hermanos and hermanas, which are the plural forms for those words. A brother is an hermano; a sister is an hermana.If it's a mix of brothers and sisters, you say 'hermanos'.