Yes a Euro is worth more than a US dollar; the exchange rate is 1 Euro = 1.34 US dollars
Fractions or decimal fractions.
Much less- 5 months amounts to 20 weeks, as there are 4 weeks to a month, so 4 weeks x 5 = 20. There are 52 weeks in a year, so 40 weeks is 9 months.
At the time of this writing, the Brittish pound is worth somewhat more than the Euro. Go to a specialized Web site, for example, to see the current exchange rates.
1.3 cents = 0.013 Euros (amounts less than a Euro are measured in cents)
The currency used in France is, like in every country in the Euro zone, the Euro. At this moment 1 EUR equals 1,306 USD. Therefore, the USD is worth less than 'french money'.
The dollar is about .7 of the Euro, so yes it is worth less.
Currently there is Less than 1 Euro in an American dollar because the Euro is more valuble than the Dollar.... 1.00 EURO=1.42810 USD
1 euro is worth approx. 1.35 dollars, so the value of the euro is more than the value of the dollar. If something was selling for 2 euro, you'd have to pay $2.70 for it.
No, it's worth less.
No, it's worth less.
On October 2, 2009 the USD was worth less than a Euro (about 2/3 Euro) 1 Euro = 1.4588 U.S. dollars
More than $0 but less than $3750
A Pokedollar in euro amounts to less than a cent, assuming it is equivalent to the japanese currency. If you convert 1 Euro into Yen, provided that japanese Yen has the same value as the Pokedollar, you get 141.51 Pokedollar. Using this assumption, we can calculate the value of several prominent items. A Pokeball costs 1.41 €, an Ultra Ball amounts to 8.48 €, a Full Restore would be 21.20 € while mineral water is sold at the vending machine for 1.41 € and lemonade would be quite expensive at 5.30 €.
less than 1 euro