The product of something
example: The product of 2 and 5 could be written as 2*5
I guess you could either say, or write, that you did a multiplication.
other words for multiplication
Yesthe words more than do sometimes suggest the operation of multiplication. Also the words more than suggest the operation of adding.
multiplication , times
la multiplication (fem.)
I guess you could either say, or write, that you did a multiplication.
other word tnat mean multiplication
other words for multiplication
Yesthe words more than do sometimes suggest the operation of multiplication. Also the words more than suggest the operation of adding.
multiplication , times
In the USA, we usually say "by" when speaking of multiplication and division; hence "divide by" or multiply by." For addition we say "plus" or "add to." IM WRONG OKAY? DO NOT BELIEVE ME!
multiplication, multiple, times, x, multiply, multiplied, multi, product, divsion reversal time, of
Multiplication Times Multiplied
Multiplication or in simple words times