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Q: How do you say negative things in a positive way?
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Did George Washington contribute to the war a positive way or a negative way?

ok i have to say die

Is positive divided by a positive a negative?

No, you cannot get a negative number that way.

How do you multiply like and unlike signs?

Think of it this way: It's like spreading the negative sign flu that cancels each other out. positive * positive = positive negative * positive = negative positive * negative = negative negative * negative = positive

Is positive times positive negative?

A positive number times another positive number will give you a positive answer. If you multiply two negative numbers together, you will also have a positive answer. The only way to get a negative answer is if you multiply a positive by a negative.

What do you say to convince your parents to get you a dog for Christmas?

well get straight A's and do things out of the ordinary (positive things that would affect their life in a positive way).

What will be the difference when subtracting two integers with different signs?

Subtracting: Positive - Negative = Positive Negative - Positive = Negative No that is not the way it goes. It is positive+negetive=either counting on which integer is bigger negative+negative=positive positive+positive=positive positive x negetive=negative negative x postitve= negative negative/positive=negative positive/negative=negetive thanks The top is right though because subtracting a negative is like adding so you could never get a negative and subtracting from a positive from negative will always be a negative. The question was for integers with different signs so you don't need to do "positive + positive"

What is the difference between internal and external environments?

internal environment includes things, situations and events that occur in the organization which effect the business in a positive or negative way. external environment includes things, situations and events that occur outside the organization, basically not in control by the organization,but effect the organization in a positive or negative way.

Is the heart a positive or negative RESULT?

positive because if it would be negative it would be way on another subject.

Is negative 5 greater than positive four?

no way positive is higher in numbers and negative is lower

How do you divide a positive number with the negative number?

The same way as with a positive number. Just make the answer negative.

Why is a positive times a negative always a negative?

It might be clearer if you think of it this way: Multiplication is repeated addition. 2 x 3 is the same as 3 + 3. They both equal 6. 2 x -3 is the same as -3 + -3. They both equal -6. In the first case, you are increasing the amount of positive things. The answer will be positive. In the second case, you are increasing the amount of negative things. The answer will be negative.

How do you do the division of negative numbers?

Same way you do division with positive numbers. Then, if both numbers are negative, the result is positive, otherwise it is negative.