If they are not matched pairs, it does not really matter. If the combined sample size is fixed (because of costs, say) then it is better to have a larger sample where more variability is expected.
It means that the results of the study cannot be claimed to hold for the entire population from which the sample was drawn. The researchers can only claim that their results hold for the individuals selected into their sample.
ciento dieciocho
centavos is a word in Spanish, meaning "cents". so, if you wanted to say " 50 cents" in Spanish, you would say, "cincuenta centavos", or $0.50.
Álgebra 1
ejemplar , muestra
The Sample Is "Flex" By Mad Cobra.......
The wording of the question is confusing. If you want to have a sample sentence in Spanish: "Hola amigo, soy Emma." is a perfect example. If you want to know the Spanish word for sentence it is either "oración" or "frase" depending on the country in question. "Oración" can also mean "prayer" and "frase" can also mean "phrase" in certain countries.
Sister in law in Spanish is cunada.
How to say "hi" in spanish is Hola. How to say "bye" in spanish is Adios.
how do you say sister in spanish
How do you say canvas in spanish
how to say Amer in Spanish
you say it in spanish as- sarina
how do you say the alamo in spanish
How to say dinah in spanish
To say stepfather in Spanish, you say padrastro.