Seven thirty am is "sept heures trente" or "sept heures et demie" in French.
i really dont know
308,745,538 in words is: three hundred eight million, seven hundred forty-five thousand, five hundred thirty-eight.
Thirty-one million, five hundred fifty-seven thousand, six hundred.
Thirty-five billion, seven hundred forty-three million, six hundred twenty thousand.
Seven thirty am is "sept heures trente" or "sept heures et demie" in French.
trente sept
Thirty in french is trente
one million, five thousand aand thirty-seven.
i really dont know
its fourteen lakha thirty five thousand one hundred and seventy seven only
Seven thousand, nine hundred thirty-nine and forty-five hundredths.
Thirteen million, three hundred twenty-seven thousand, three hundred thirty-five.
In words, it would be... three hundred (and) eight million, seven hundred (and)forty-five thousand, five hundred (and) thirty eight.
Sure thing, honey! To write $37,500,000 in words, you'd say "thirty-seven million five hundred thousand dollars." Easy peasy lemon squeezy!
308,745,538 in words is: three hundred eight million, seven hundred forty-five thousand, five hundred thirty-eight.
Thirty-one million, five hundred fifty-seven thousand, six hundred.