Sixty-six and sixty-four hundredths.
sixty five and sixty seven thousandths
Just think of what can be pronounced. Sixty-secondth can't be said. Sixty-second is easy. 62nd it is.
nineteen sixty-fivenineteen hundred and sixty-fiveone thousand nine hundred and sixty-five
Sixty-five thousandths.
You can say it as either "three sixty," "three hundred and sixty," or "three hundred sixty."
Sixty-six and sixty-four hundredths.
sixty five and sixty seven thousandths
"I am sixty-three"
Expressed as a number in words, this is equal to sixty thousand.
Just think of what can be pronounced. Sixty-secondth can't be said. Sixty-second is easy. 62nd it is.
Sixty five in French is "soixante-cinq."
sixty-seven hundredths
On a soixante
Sixty or 60
Sixty-one thousandths.