.006 seconds
.006, just move decimal two places to the left
It is six thousandths.
thirty six thousand and six
Six thousandths.
.006 seconds
To find a number that is 100 times smaller than 6, you would divide 6 by 100. This calculation gives you 0.06 as the decimal representation of the number that is 100 times smaller than 6.
.006, just move decimal two places to the left
Well, honey, let me break it down for you. In the world of decimals, the more digits you have after the decimal point, the smaller the number. So, 0.006 is greater than 0.001. It's like comparing a drop of water to a tiny puddle - one's just got more going on.
Three hundred seven million, six thousand, five hundred fifty.
It is six thousandths.
Six thousandths.