The number 200,000 is said as "two hundred thousand" in English words. The number is broken down into its numerical place values: 2 (hundreds of thousands), 0 (tens of thousands), and 0 (thousands). Each place value is then spoken in words to form the complete verbal representation of the number.
Two hundred thousand.
200,000 miles is equivalent to 321,868.8 kilometers. To convert miles to kilometers, you would multiply the number of miles by 1.60934. This conversion factor is based on the international agreement on the exact length of a mile.
In English, we say "three" for the number 3.
44.3 = forty-four and three tenths.
fourteen thousand
Two hundred thousand.
Doscientos mil
Like you say them in English.
200,000 miles is equivalent to 321,868.8 kilometers. To convert miles to kilometers, you would multiply the number of miles by 1.60934. This conversion factor is based on the international agreement on the exact length of a mile.
They say pizza like we do
200,000 = two hundred thousand.
No, it is a lot. In two words.
In Portuguese and Spanish the word English is ' Ingles'
One thousand, one.
The English translation of the Sioux words "Toniktuka how" is "How are you?"
Irish has no single words for 'yes' or 'no' as does English.