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Q: How do you say zero in Egyptian?
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Is there a symbol for zero in the Egyptian number system?

There is no known mathematical symbol for zero in the ancient Egyptian number system.

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Aramaic has no word for zero, since that value does not occur in the Aramaic numeral system, nor in Roman numerals or in ancient Hebrew or in ancient Egyptian.

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What are the uses of Zero in the Egyptian numeral system?

as far as i know the Egyptian numeral system doesn't use zero. sorry i couldn't be more help ;)

How do you say i am an Egyptian if you are male?

"I am an Egyptian"

How do you say valerie in Egyptian?

There is no such modern language as "Egyptian".

How do you say night in Egyptian?

There is no such modern language as "Egyptian".

How do you say Merry Christmas in Egyptian?

you say "koli sana WA anta tayib" in Egyptian.

Where was Egyptian goddess hathor born?

Egyptian myth does not say.

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Egyptian myth does not say.

What are the Strengths and weaknesses of the Egyptian number system?

The Egyptian number system, also known as the Egyptian numerals, had strengths in its simplicity and ease of understanding for basic counting and calculations. However, its main weakness was the lack of a concept for zero, which limited its ability for advanced mathematical operations. Additionally, the system relied heavily on addition and multiplication, making division and subtraction more complex and cumbersome.

How do you say 'i am good' in Egyptian Arabic?

I am good : in Egyptian accent if you are a boy you say : ana kwayyes if you are a girl you say : ana kwayyesa