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Q: How do you score 1 wrong on a 40 question test?
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What is the percent if 26 question were wrong out of 40 question on test?

40-26=14 questions answered correctly. 14/40=.35 Therefore the percentage of the test would be 35%

How many questions be wrong on a 40 question test to get a 75 percent?

10 can be wrong and 30 right; 30/40 = 75%

How many questions be wrong on a 40 question test to get 70 percent?

The question is, "What is 30% of 40?"is/of=%/100P/40=30/100100P=1200P=12You can miss 12 and get a 70% of the test.

How many questions can be wrong on a 40 question test to get 60 percent?

You need to get 40*60/100 = 24 correct, so you can get 40-24 = 16 wrong.

How many questions can you miss on a 50 question test to score 90?

Assuming the questions are all weighted the same, you can miss 5 and score 90%.

How many questions can you miss to get an 85 percent on a 40 question test?

If you miss 6 questions you will get an 85% on a 40 question test. To calculate various test score questions, simply divide the number of correct answers by the number of total questions. For example, on your particular question, if you divide 34 (the number of correct answers) by 40 (the total number of test questions), the answer is .85, or 85%.

You got 90 on a test that has exactly 40 questions how many questions did you get wrong?

A test score of "90" represents the percentage of correct questions. Multiply this percentage by the total number of questions and you will have the number of questions correctly answered. Subtract this from the total to find answers wrong. 90% of 40 questions = .90 x 40 = 36 questions right. 40-36 = 4 answers wrong.

How do you convert a 100 percent score to a 60 percent score?

Don't study.

Where you can get Sample paper depository module?

End of the book, you will get 60 question. Then you will have 40 question from practice question and you will have 60 question from MOCK test. Read and study all this question. It will be more then enough to score more then 80%.

If you got 16 wrong out of a 80 question test what is the score?

80 percent because half of 80 is 40 so that would be 50 percent. then every 8 question adding up to 80 will give you 100 percent. for example 40=50% 48=60 56=70 64=80 72=90 80=100 easy as can be

What percentage would you get if you missed 2 questions out of 5 on a quiz?

2 of 5 = 40% wrong .3 of 5 = 60% correct (your score).Please say it was not a math test !