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you can check your child's statewide test score on aris parentlink

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Q: How do you see your child's statewide test score?
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Related questions

How can you see your child test score?

For children under the age of 18, all a parent has to do is ask to see the score.

Are people allowed to see their score on the WikiReviewers test?

No, they are just notified if they passed or not.

What is the lowest score to fail pre employment test?

It depends on the test, but I can't see how you could get less than zero.

What is the best score for an eye vision test?

The best score for an eye vision test is typically 20/20, which means that a person can see at 20 feet what a person with normal vision can see at 20 feet. However, some people may have even better vision, such as 20/15 or 20/10.

What was Washington's IQ?

George Washington President USA There was no IQ test back then! Any "score" you see is a HOAX.

How can I get my bone density score checked?

If you want to get your bone density score checked out you should go see specialist. Have your doctor refer you to a bone specialist to do a bone density test on you.

How do you find out if you passed to the 8 grade?

You usually take a test at the end of the year of everything you've learned. Then you get your test results back and see if your score was enough to meet the cut off.

Is 122 a good IQ score for an eleven year old seeing as I just took a test online even though I'm not sure it's accurate?

It's a very good score although if you took the test online, like you said, it probably isn't that accurate. You may want to see a professional if you want an accurate score.

How can you see your ACT scores if it was taken in 2005?

You have to pay $17 for them to send you a score report. I took my test in April 2006 and this is what they told me when I called them.

How many test are in the act test?

There are four sections: English, Math, Reading, and Science. There is also an optional essay section that DOES NOT factor into your composite score but some colleges like to see anyways.

What does a 3.4 GPA convert to in ACT score?

GPAs and ACT scores are not equivalent--students with high GPAs often do poorly on the ACT and vice-versa. Your score depends on your test-taking ability and your preparedness--the ACT is a very different type of test from the ones you normally see in school.

My adult Iq is 118 and I am only 14 is this good or bad?

Acording to the test, you are smart although the test doesnt cover every aspect of live. In some cases you can see a person with a score of 95 in the test having a wealthy live.