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Q: How do you set the coordinates to the hyperium in aqw?
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Load shop area in aqw?

shop in hyperium

Where can you get the coordinates to hyperium in AQWorlds?

get them from j6 located in the saloon. you have to complete his little quiz in order to get coordinates.

Where can you exactly get the J6-pirate armor at hyperium in aqw?

You get J6-Pirate in J6's bounty hunter shop in Hyperium durning Talk Like a Pirate Day September 19th

How do you get second datadisk in hyperium IN AQW?

Probably there is no second datadisk yet. The last would be the third datadisk

Where do you get J6 Pirate in AQW?

You get J6-Pirate in Hyperium durning Talk Like a Pirate Day which is September 19th.

What items do you need for hyperium aqworlds?

You need the J6 secret-hide out map, dwakel decoder, and the coordinates; which are 525,275.

How do you get j6s pirate armor aqw?

The only way to get it was to go to the hyperium, and access J6's secret shop during the TLAPD event. But now its gone, either for good or temporarily.

When did Hyperium Records end?

Hyperium Records ended in 2002.

When was Hyperium Records created?

Hyperium Records was created in 1991.

Where is zephyrus in aqw?

First find J6 Map and Dwakel decoder and next open map try to find saloon and go to j6 at saloon answer his questions and he will give you code that you need to find the hyperium on your j6 secret hideout map and in hyperium get pass secruity robots then get his card and go to missions and first mission zephyrus!

How do you get to the hyperium in aqw?

First you go to the pencil puddle and fight the sketchy dragon until you get a map. after that you go to the dwakel crash site and grab the dwakel decoder from a machine in a little shed. equip the map and click on it. move your mouse around it until the decoder turns green. then click on that part of the map. After that you'll have to do different quests and ask different questions until you've got enough info on j6. goto j6 once your finished, he's up the steps in the room on the right inside the saloon, talk to him until he opens up a quiz. WARNING: DO NOT SAY YOUR A SPY! if you get all of them right you should get coordinates to the hyperium for you map. if you don't get it right you'll get shot. you can still try again after being shot, none of the answers change. to look at the coordinates, open your inventory, and click on it. then click on your map and use the coordinates to find the hyperium. the decoder should turn green, then click on it. also, if you end up at saloon, then you've clicked the wrong one.

What is the name given to a set of coordinates?

The name given to a set of coordinates is "coordinate system".