To convert 0.072 to a percent, multiply by 100: 0.072 × 100 = 7.2 %
To get percentage, multiply by 100 and add the percent sign; so the answer is 0.72%.
As given '0072 & '001' , then the 'zeroes' are trivial and the numbers stand as '72' & '1' Hence 72 > 1. However, if you mean decimals, please insert the decimal point, in the correct position, otherwise it is meaningless.
The number 72, when divided by 9, the correct answer is 8. This is not a four digit numeric. To express 72 as a four digit numeric, write 0072. 0072 / 9 = 8.
0.785 is the same as 78.5 percent
To get percentage, multiply by 100 and add the percent sign; so the answer is 0.72%.
As given '0072 & '001' , then the 'zeroes' are trivial and the numbers stand as '72' & '1' Hence 72 > 1. However, if you mean decimals, please insert the decimal point, in the correct position, otherwise it is meaningless.
Two of them and they are 7 and 2
818) 386-0072
Two significant figures.
The number 72, when divided by 9, the correct answer is 8. This is not a four digit numeric. To express 72 as a four digit numeric, write 0072. 0072 / 9 = 8.
Is 0,0072 larger than 0,072
The ISBN of The Dark Secret of Weatherend is 0-8037-0072-5.
70.8 percent percent as a decimal is 0.708.