using a dot using parenthesis ex: (2)(3)
Multiplication by an integer is the same as repeated addition.
There are many different problems and different ways for solving them.
You can indicate division in 3 different ways: (hard to show in the WikiAnswers browser) - with a division sign (a hyphen with a dot above and a dot below) - as a fraction: 3/8 (but on paper the bar would be horizontal) - as multiplication by a reciprocal: 3 x (1/8) (If this doesn't answer your question, please reword it and resubmit it.)
6!6 * 5 * 4 * 3 *2= 640 ways========( I did the multiplication in hy head, so check it. )
using a dot using parenthesis ex: (2)(3)
A dot stands for multiplication. Ways to show multiplication: 10a 10 x a 10(a) 10 *dot* a
addition subtraction multiplication division
Multiplication by an integer is the same as repeated addition.
Scientists show creativity by expirimenting in different ways.
There are many different ways for children to remember the multiplication table for a child. One of the most common is words that rhyme with the contents.
There are many different problems and different ways for solving them.
Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication, Division, Sqroot, Sq, Cube, Cossin, Sin, Tangent,
1/10 & 0.1 are two ways to show one tenth
You can indicate division in 3 different ways: (hard to show in the WikiAnswers browser) - with a division sign (a hyphen with a dot above and a dot below) - as a fraction: 3/8 (but on paper the bar would be horizontal) - as multiplication by a reciprocal: 3 x (1/8) (If this doesn't answer your question, please reword it and resubmit it.)