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Q: How do you show different ways to answer a multiplication problem?
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What are the different ways to write a multiplication problem?

using a dot using parenthesis ex: (2)(3)

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A dot stands for multiplication. Ways to show multiplication: 10a 10 x a 10(a) 10 *dot* a

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Multiplication by an integer is the same as repeated addition.

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Scientists show creativity by expirimenting in different ways.

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There are many different ways for children to remember the multiplication table for a child. One of the most common is words that rhyme with the contents.

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1/10 & 0.1 are two ways to show one tenth

How do you divide numbers in three different ways?

You can indicate division in 3 different ways: (hard to show in the WikiAnswers browser) - with a division sign (a hyphen with a dot above and a dot below) - as a fraction: 3/8 (but on paper the bar would be horizontal) - as multiplication by a reciprocal: 3 x (1/8) (If this doesn't answer your question, please reword it and resubmit it.)