To simplify the fraction 96/144, you can divide both the numerator and the denominator by their greatest common factor, which is 48. When you divide 96 by 48, you get 2, and when you divide 144 by 48, you get 3. Therefore, the simplified form of 96/144 is 2/3.
It is simply 12
Well, honey, a simple fraction for 133 over 144 is 133/144. There's nothing more to simplify there, so don't waste your time trying to overcomplicate things. Just keep it simple and move on to the next math problem.
The GCF of 844 and 144 is 4. 844/4 = 211 144/4 = 36 844/144 = 211/36
Technically, this is not something that can be 'simplified,' rather, it should be solved. -2(6y)=144 -12y=144 y=-12
Well, honey, any fraction that is not equivalent to 72 over 144 would be any fraction that is not reduced to its simplest form. So, if you have a fraction like 36 over 72, 24 over 48, or even 1 over 2, those are all different fractions that are not equivalent to 72 over 144. Just simplify those bad boys down and you'll see the magic happen.
144=12*12. Simplify 12. So 12=2*2*3 144= 2*2*3*2*2*3} answer
313/50 = 6.26 or 626%
can you simplify 18 over 44
can 0 over 17 be simplify