Well, isn't that just a happy little fraction we have here! To simplify 76 over 100, we can divide both numbers by the greatest common factor, which is 4. So, 76 divided by 4 is 19, and 100 divided by 4 is 25. Therefore, the simplest form of 76 over 100 is 19 over 25. Just like that, we've created a beautiful, simplified fraction!
0.76 or 76%
You can't simplify it any more. Nothing goes into both 76 and 11 equally.
3/76 is in simplest form. 3 is a prime number that will not go into 76, so there are no factors in common in order to simplify the fraction.
No, it cannot.
11 over 25
% rate = 76% = 38/50 * 100% = 0.76 * 100% = 76%
100/250 = 2/5