The fraction for .08 is 8/100
You cannot solve a fraction. You can solve a question about fractions, you can carry out basic operations with fractions, convert them from one form to another but none of these is "solving" them.
An integer is a fraction if, in its lowest terms, the denominator is 1.
solve it for yourselves
You solve the equation the same way as you would any other equation. Whether the variable is a fraction or otherwise will only become clear once you solve the equation. In other words, you don't initially KNOW whether the solution will be a fraction or not.
A fraction is not an integer.
The fraction for .08 is 8/100
To solve a Dissimilar Fraction,you must change the denominator to a similar fraction then proceed with the Adding/Subtracting Dissimilar Fraction...
112 is an integer, not a fraction.
You cannot solve a fraction. You can solve a question about fractions, you can carry out basic operations with fractions, convert them from one form to another but none of these is "solving" them.
There is no need to do so.
An integer is a fraction if, in its lowest terms, the denominator is 1.
Show your work.
solve it for yourselves
It isn't clear what exactly you want to solve for.
You solve the equation the same way as you would any other equation. Whether the variable is a fraction or otherwise will only become clear once you solve the equation. In other words, you don't initially KNOW whether the solution will be a fraction or not.
08 is an integer and so fraction form in the simplest form is 8/1.08 is an integer and so fraction form in the simplest form is 8/1.08 is an integer and so fraction form in the simplest form is 8/1.08 is an integer and so fraction form in the simplest form is 8/1.