Multiply both the numerator and denominator.
Ex. 2/3 * 2/3= 2*2/3*3 or 4/9
The number that can be multiplied by a fraction to get a result of 1 is the reciprocal of the fraction. Apart from zero, all real numbers have reciprocals.
When any number is multiplied by its reciprocal, the product is ' 1 '.
You cannot solve a fraction. You can solve a question about fractions, you can carry out basic operations with fractions, convert them from one form to another but none of these is "solving" them.
it will equal whatever number you multiplied it by
The answer depends on what the fraction is to be multiplied by!
To solve an unrelated fraction you must, numerator multiplied by the numerator and denominator multiplied by denominator. When dividing fractions with the different/unrelated denominators, itβs a little bit more complicated. What you have to do is flip (find the inverse) the second fraction then proceed as if your multiplying the fractions.
The numerator of the fraction is multiplied by the whole number.
The answer depends on the fraction.
The number that can be multiplied by a fraction to get a result of 1 is the reciprocal of the fraction. Apart from zero, all real numbers have reciprocals.
A fraction is not an integer.
When any number is multiplied by its reciprocal, the product is ' 1 '.
To solve a Dissimilar Fraction,you must change the denominator to a similar fraction then proceed with the Adding/Subtracting Dissimilar Fraction...
112 is an integer, not a fraction.
You cannot solve a fraction. You can solve a question about fractions, you can carry out basic operations with fractions, convert them from one form to another but none of these is "solving" them.
it will equal whatever number you multiplied it by
The answer depends on what the fraction is to be multiplied by!