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Q: How do you solve positron decay equations?
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What does the e represent in beta decay equations?

The "e" in beta decay equations represents an electron. In beta decay, a neutron in the nucleus is converted into a proton, releasing an electron and an antineutrino (or a positron and a neutrino in positron decay).

What is lost in an atom as a result of radioactive decay What equations relates this loss to energy produced?

Alpha decay is the loss of 2 protons and 2 neutrons Beta-decay is the loss of a positron or electron Gamma decay is the loss of a photon The equation relates this loss to energy produced E=mc^2

What is the symbol for a positron?

A positron is the antiparticle of the electron. We write the electron as e- as it is negatively charged. We write e+ or β+ for the positron. The latter symbol uses the Greek letter beta as positron emission is one of the two forms of the radioactive decay known as beta decay. Links can be found below.

What is the kind of decay that occurs when a nucleus releases a positron?

There is technically no such thing as positron decay. It's a misnomer. The nuclear decay process wherein a positron is emitted from a decaying nucleus is called positron emission or beta plus decay. A link is provided below that question and its answer.

When bismuth 214 emits a positron the remaining daughter nucleus is what?

When bismuth-214 emits a positron, it undergoes beta-plus decay to produce polonium-214. This decay process involves the conversion of a proton into a neutron, releasing a positron and a neutrino.

Does a beta particle have an identical charge to an electron?

Yes, a beta particle is either an electron or a positron. In beta decay, an electron is emitted (beta-minus decay), which has a negative charge, while a positron is emitted in beta-plus decay, which has a positive charge.

What is the nuclear decay equation for iridium 174?

There are two ways 174Ir can decay, alpha and positive beta, so there are two different equations. The equation for the alpha decay of 174Ir is: 77174Ir --> 75170Re + 24He representing the alpha particle as a helium nucleus. The equation for the beta+ decay of 174Ir is: 77174Ir --> 76174Os + 10e + ve wher 10e represents a positive beta particle or positron.

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Which particle is emitted during the nuclear decay of Ne-19?

During the nuclear decay of Ne-19, a positron is emitted.

What is a particle that is never emitted in beta decay?

The alpha particle is emitted in alpha decay, and that means you won't see it appear in beta decay. In beta decay, you'll get either an electron or a positron emitted from the nucleus. A link to the related question here can be found below. "What is beta decay?" is already posted and answered.

What particles has the same mass as an electron but a positive charge and is sometimes emitted from the nucleus during radioactive decay?

A positron is a particle with the same mass as an electron but a positive charge. It is the antimatter counterpart of an electron and can be emitted from the nucleus during some types of radioactive decay processes, such as beta plus decay.

How do you solve these equations?

Tell me the equations first.