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Q: How do you solve system of eqaution by subsitution?
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What is a subsitution for salt?

This is potassium chloride (KCl).

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No, there is no substitute.

How do you decide whether to use elimination or subsitution to solve a three-variable system?

There is no simple answer. Sometimes, the nature of one of the equations lends itself to the substitution method but at other times, elimination is better. If they are non-linear equations, and there is an easy substitution then that is the best approach. With linear equations, using the inverse matrix is the fastest method.

-2x - 2y equals -12?

or x + y = 6 That cannot be simplified further and to solve for either variable will require another independent eqaution in x and y

The sum of two numers is 31the dfference of the same two numbers is 7 find the two numders?

Solution: 19 and 12. 19 + 12 = 31 19 - 12 = 7 Solve using subsitution or simultaneous equations.

What is y in this eqaution y plus 9 equals -11?

Assuming that "eqaution" is your attempt to spell equation, y + 9 = -11 subtracting 9 from both sides: y = -20

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232Th---------alpha particle---------228Ra

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E = mc2