-q-11=2q+4 you would subtract 4 from both sides 4 and -4 cancel out and -11-4= -15 then you get -q-15=2q then you would add
Q(1) to both sides (-q and q cancel out) then u get -15=3q thn u divide 3 to both sides (3 and 3 become q) then u get q=-5
Q1 blue, brown, black, green, red. Q2 1492 q3 just do wot it says q4 the eye then the letter c then the magnet q5 the bottom row middle square q6 press the green paint press the orange then touch the right hand corner then press continue q7 the dog with the ball in its mouth q8 cat q9 las vagas q10 press the bus q11 Edison q12 12 what about the rest?
17056 - cyl 1 Glow Plug Circuit (Q10):Electrical FaultP0671-35-10 --- Intermittent17056 - cyl 2 Glow Plug Circuit (Q11) Electrical FaultP0672 - 35-10 --- IntermittentIt's a problem with the glow plug or the harness leading to it. Verify that the electrical connectors are fully seated. Intermittent is usually a connection or worn wire.
On www.myomnipod.com under FAQ's The OmniPod System allows you to get started on continuous insulin therapy with a much lower upfront cost than conventional insulin pumps. The OmniPod System Starter Kit, which includes the Personal Diabetes Manager and two OmniPods, has a list price of $800, whereas conventional insulin pumps have list prices of $5,000-$6,500. Each box of 10 OmniPods has a list price of $345. Depending on your insulin needs, you will use approximately one box of OmniPods per month. Of course, your actual cost for the OmniPod System will depend on your insurance coverage. http://www.myomnipod.com/products/section/226/#q11
To construct a DFA that accepts the set of all strings of 0s and 1s with at most one pair of consecutive 0s and at most one pair of consecutive 1s, we can use the state diagram method. The DFA will have states to keep track of the number of consecutive 0s and 1s encountered so far. We can have states like q0, q1, q00, q11 to represent different scenarios. Transitions will move between states based on the input symbols. The final state will be one where the input string is accepted according to the given conditions.
Q1) what was farman? Q2)explain mercantilism? Q3) which portugues explrer discovered the sea route to India and in which year? Q4) what did the company gain by diwani rights in Bengal? Q5) what do you under stand by carnatic wars?between whom did they take place Q6) what was the result of the first carnatic war? Q7) why did the company remove mir jafar and mir qasim from the throne of Bengal? Q8) who granted the diwani of Bengal,bihar and qrissa to the east India company? Q9) on what pretext was avadh annexed to the british India empire? Q10) what was the motive of dalhousie behind the doctrine of lapse? Q11) whichh foreign power assisted tipu sultan in his fight against the british? Q12) what was the basic cause of conflict between the east India company and the nawab of Bengal? Q13)what is know as mercantilism?how did it serve the interest of the inperialist? Q14) how did the british and french engage in rivalry in India?what were the result of this rivarly? Q15)how did the political conditin of India in the first half of 18th cebtury help the british in establishing their politicla power? Q16) what was included in the royal charter granted to east India company? Q17)what was farman?what rights did company enjoyes under it? Q18)when and why did the battle of buxar take place? Q19) what was the result of battleof plassey? Q20)write a note on mir qasin? Q21what were the causes and result of the battle of buxar? Q22) disuss the Anglo-maratha relations and the causes of the final defete of the marathas? Q23what causes of the defeat of the marathas against the british? Q24)what method did british adopt to expand their empire in India? Q25) critically explain dalhousie's policy of doctrine of lapse? Q26) explain critically the significance of the sulisidiary alliance? Q27) who was tipu sultan?why did company restores to had direct military confrantation with tipu sultan? Q28what was the system of dual government?how did the british benifit from it?
'''Most Common Questions asked by Non-Muslims''' Q1. Why is a man allowed to have more than one wife in Islam? i.e. why is polygamy allowed in Islam? Q2. If a man is allowed to have more than one wife, then why does Islam prohibit a woman from having more than one husband? Q3. Why does Islam degrade women by keeping them behind the veil? Q4. How can Islam be called the religion of peace when it was spread by the sword? Q5. Why are most of the Muslims fundamentalists and terrorists? Q6. Killing an animal is a ruthless act. Why then do Muslims consume non-vegetarian food? Q7. Why do Muslims slaughter the animal in a ruthless manner by torturing it and slowly and painfully killing it? Q8. Science tell us that whatever one eats, it has an effect on one's behaviour. Why then, does Islam allow Muslims to eat non-vegetarian food, since eating of animals could make a person violent and ferocious? Q9. When Islam is against idol worship why do the Muslims worship, and bow down to the Kaaba in their prayer? Q10. Why are non-Muslims not allowed in the holy cities of Makkah and Madinah? Q11. Why is the eating of pork forbidden in Islam? Q12. Why is the consumption of alcohol prohibited in Islam? Q13. Why are two witnesses who are women, equivalent to only one witness who is a man ? Q14. Under Islamic law, why is a woman's share of the inherited wealth only half that of a man? Q16. How can you prove the existence of hereafter, i.e. life after death? Q17. When all the Muslim follow one and the same Qur'an then why are there so many sects and different schools of thoughts among Muslims? Q18. All religions basically teach followers to do good deeds. Why should a person only follow Islam? Can he not follow any of the religions? Q19. If Islam is the best religion, why are many of the Muslims dishonest, unreliable, and involved in activities such as cheating, bribing, dealing in drugs, etc.? Q20. Why do Muslims abuse non-Muslims by calling them 'Kafirs'? source; www.irf.net
Q1. What is an operating system ? Where is this used ? Name some operating systems that you have come across? Q2. What are the components of an OS ? Name at least 3 components Q3 . What is GUI stands for ? Q4. Do you understand the difference between Platform and Framework ? Is it different or same ? Q5. Give me some examples of IT Software Products . Q6. Do you understand the different between IT services and IT Product based companies ? Name few companies in these categories. Q7. Why Customers prefer to develop their applications using Java or Dot net frame work . Give your answers with Business / commercial perspective. Q8. What do you understand by Embedded systems ? Do you use any of these in your day to day life. Q9. Have you ever worked on Testing Requirement ? If yes, what are the types of Testing Tools that you know. Q10. Your thoughts on Data warehousing - what it is ? Name some tools associated with DW. Q11. What does ERP stands for and what does it do in an Enterprise. Q12. What is Open Source Technology ? Your understanding about this . Q13. Do you understand Real Time Operating System ? Give Some examples. Which are all the companies in this domain? Q14.What is 3 Tier architecture's concept? Q15. Your understanding about GSM, CDMA, 3G, 4G, VOIP, in Telecom domain ? Q16. What is the expansion of SDLC ? 2 lines about SDLC Q17. Do you understand the role of Business Analyst , Technical Architect, System Architect, Data Architect, Database Administrator, Product Manager, Project Manager, Program Manager in an IT company? Q18. If you have ever done SAP hiring, can you name the Modules that you have worked ? Q19. What is the expansion of ABAP , Where is this used ? Q20.What are the certification courses available in the field of Networking ? Q21. Are you aware of PMP ? Who is the certifying authority ? Q22. Is there any certifications for Product Managers ? Q23. What is the expansion of CRM? Give some examples of CRM Product . Q24. What is SCM ? Example of SCM software Q25. Can you tell me recent Mergers and Acquisition that happened in IT industry ? Q26. Do you have Linkedin contacts ? With how many are you connected ? Q27. Have you heard of the term Web 2.0 ? Q28. What is Cloud Computing ? Is it a Product or Service ? Who are all the major players ? Q29. Have you heard of SOA and SOAP ? Q30. Name the Banking product developed by Infosys & I-flex respectively.