Ninety-seven dollars.
five hundred dollars
The number 19.03 is "nineteen and three hundredths." As US currency, $19.03 is "nineteen dollars and three cents."
Five hundred and eight dollars.
$73 = seventy-three dollars
Fifteen dollars.
Six hundred three dollars, or six hundred and three dollars
One million five hundred thousand dollars.
four hundred and eighty-eight
If you want to spell it in numbers, you would write either $1266, $1,266, $1,266.00, or $1266.00. But, if you want to spell the words out it would be, one thousand two hundred and sixty-six dollars. Or you could spell it out as twelve hundred and sixty-six dollars.
90th is written in word form as "ninetieth".
You spell it like this: Forty Five dollars.....
You spell 34 dollars like thirty-four dollars.
The currency $35 is "thirty-five dollars."
60, sixty.It is spelled sixty.
dollars = dolares
sixty eight dollars