915 is an integer and not a fraction. However, it can be expressed in rational form as (915*k)/k where k is an integer.
376,915 = three hundred seventy six thousand, nine hundred fifteen.
53.5 in word form is: fifty-three and five tenths.
The question has provided the correct answer, you spell 60 as sixty.
Neuf cent quinze.
915 is an integer and not a fraction. However, it can be expressed in rational form as (915*k)/k where k is an integer.
376,915 = three hundred seventy six thousand, nine hundred fifteen.
4.94 in word form = four and ninety-four hundredths.
53.5 in word form is: fifty-three and five tenths.
The letters spell the word card.
The question has provided the correct answer, you spell 60 as sixty.