The spelling is upside down, which is hyphenated upside-down when used as an adjective.
mom or noon
This is how you spell a 1,000,000 "million"
There is lots of ways to spell Sophie such as:SophieSofieIf you were to spell Sophia:SophiaSofia
I spell them correctly.
How spell Moni in Chinese
If you spell NOON in capital it is spelt the same upside down and backwards.
because they need to sleep upsidedown
In the Land of Upsidedown - 1909 was released on: USA: January 1909
You can in fact eat upsidedown, because in your Esofogas there are lots nof muscles which push the food down your throught.
They flot upsidedown
yes they can.
Upsidedown catfish.
To do an upsidedown 'i', just do an exclamation mark. '!'.