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fraction becides you spelled it in the question

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Q: How do you spell fraction?
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Related questions

How do you spell 1 million in a fraction?

1 million is not a fraction and so it is difficult to see how one would spell it. It is like asking how you would spell your name as a fraction!

How do you spell 40 in a fraction?

Do you mean as the denominator? That would be a fortieth.

How do you spell the top number of a faction?

It is the numerator which is above the denominator in a fraction

What fraction of the N O T arrangements spell words?

One third.

What fraction of a liter is a daciliter?

There is no such thing as a daciliter. Please learn to spell or type and resubmit.

What fraction is sixteen fourtyths equivalent to?

It is equivalent to sixteen fortieths - the correct way to spell it.

How do you spell fraction numbers?

Some popular fraction numbers include a half, a third, a quarter, a fifth, a sixth, a seventh, an eighth, a ninth, and a tenth.

How do you turn six and ywo thirds into a fraction?

Spell it correctly so that it reads six and two thirds.

How do you spell tenth?

That is the correct spelling of the ordinal number tenth(10th).It is also used to mean a fraction, one tenth (1/10).

What do you no about fractions?

well i know that you cant spell KNOW. also that fractions are fractions of a number ex: the fraction of 1/2 is half of one whole.

What is 4750 as a decimal and fraction?

To express 4750 as a decimal, you simply write it as 4750.0. To convert it to a fraction, you can write it as 4750/1, since any whole number can be expressed as a fraction with a denominator of 1.

What fraction of a liter is a 50ml graduated cylender?

50 ml is 50/1000 of a litre. Whether of not you use a graduated cylinder (however you choose to spell the word) is irrelevant.