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You already spelled one fourth correctly in your question.

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Q: How do you spell one fourth?
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How do you spell fourth?

That is the correct spelling of "fourths" (meaning the plural of one-fourth).

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The spelling would be "one twenty-fourth" or 1/24.(the denominator is separately hyphenated, as in twenty-one twenty-fourths, 21/24)

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In French, "fourth" is spelled "quatrième."

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The likely word is quarter (one-fourth, or a twenty-five cent coin).

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Eighty fourth.

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The ordinal numeral 104th is spelled out "one-hundred-and-fourth." For military units such as the 104th Infantry, the common phrasing would be "the hundred-and-fourth."

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The likely word is "quarter" (one fourth, a 25-cent coin, or a section of a city).

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How do you spell one twenty fourth?

Well done! You just spelt it! Oh, sorry. I mean 1/24.

How do you spell twentyfourth?

This is in two words, "twenty fourth," hyphenated in the US as twenty-fourth (24th).