Two hundred eighty one thousand six hundred seventy four.
March the 14th, 1879 was a Friday.
It is already in its simplest form
14 march 1879
76 years. The number of years it is from 1879 to 1955 is represented by the expression 1955 - 1879, which equals 76 years.
Two hundred eighty one thousand six hundred seventy four.
Well first of all you need to learn how to spll. It is spelled Dansing
It was the 18th of October in the year of 1879
1879 - 1955 = -76 .
1921 - 1879 = 42
Before 1879. 1879 was when it was invented
22nd January 1879.
Yes, English can be a very difficult language to master. There are always exceptions to the rules of writing, grammar, spelling, etc. which can be extremely frustrating.
Answer: 1879 mi. = 3023.957 km
Yes it was discovered in 1879?
An 1879 "Silver Dollar" is a Morgan dollar.
Joseph Cinqué died in 1879.