xvi = 10+5+1 = 16
xvi*xvi = x*xvi + v*xvi + i*xvi = clx+lxxvv+xvi = cclvi
16*16 = 10*16 + 5*16 + 1*16 = 160+80+16 = 256
These numerals are better written out in upper case but for some reason this computer doesn't allow it.
It is: 16 = XVI in Roman numerals
XVI in Roman numerals is 16.
XVI = 16
The roman numerals of XVI = 16 because X = 10, V = 5 and I = 1 XVI*XVI = X*XVI + V*XVI + I*XVI = CLX + LXXX + XVI = CCLVI (256)
XVI is Roman numerals for 16.
XVI is Roman numerals for 16.
XVI is Roman numerals for 16.
In today's notation of Roman numerals: (XVI)CDLXIV
In today's terms of notating Roman numerals: XVI-VI-MCMXCVI