

How do you square velocity?

Updated: 9/19/2023
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13y ago

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While you cannot physically square your velocity, such as you are traveling at 10 meters per second, and then there's another dimension where you are 100 meters squared per second squared, velocity squared comes up in various physics calculations. Kinetic energy of an object in motion is (1/2)*mass*(velocity squared). This just means that you take the velocity and square the number, and also square the units, so (10 m/s)2 = 100 m2 / s2 for the calculation.

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It depends on the sign of velocities. For example, if there are two velocities 7 and -7 m/s then the average velocity of the molecules will be 0. But, the square will be 49. The general thing here is that even if a velocity is negative, the square of EVERY velocity irrespective of the sign is positive i.e., squaring always removes the negative sign.

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What is the velocity of a square?

Please reword this question, since in its present form, it doesn't make sense. Right now, it sounds like a square is flying through the air. Maybe you are asking about velocity squared? If so, velocity means both the speed and direction of something. For velocity squared, it would essentially be just multiplying the speed by itself.

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If the velocity of an object is doubled its kinetic energy is multiplied by?

four times. Kinetic energy is directly proportional to the square of the velocity of an object, so if the velocity is doubled, the kinetic energy will be four times greater.

Why average velocity of molecules in gas zero whereas the average square of velocity is not zero?

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The factor that has the greatest effect on kinetic energy is?

The velocity of the object. Kinetic energy is directly proportional to an object's mass and the square of its velocity. Therefore, changes in velocity have a larger impact on kinetic energy compared to changes in mass.