I have old (20 plus probably) Kentile flooring in my home that I would like to wax. They are very dull and only stay shiny for a short period of time when I wax them with just a generic floor wax such as Johnsons or Armstrong. Does anyone know the proper procedure for cleaning, sealing, waxing this type of floor? Vinyl flooring is the easiest flooring to maintain. It cleans up easily with a myriad of products. I prefer "Armstrong" vinyl floor cleaner. It is available at most supermarkets. Follow the instructions on the label. For deeper cleaning- particularly on textured vinyl- get on your hands and knees and use a scrub brush. I'm sure you'll be pleased with the results.
you dont thou dat wot it for doe .. :);)
2400 sq ft took appro. 8 hours for a two man team
One can obtain customized vinyl stickers via a variety of websites. Websites such as Moo, Vinyl Impression, Vinyl Lettering, Sticker Guy and Sticker Robot.
7 are there. 5 floors above ground and 2 floors below ground.
There are numerous places one can purchase vinyl stickers. One can purchase them from 'Vinyl Disorder', 'Sticker Robot', 'jakprints', 'fantastick' and 'Amazon'.
there is a vinyl strip called a TUB STRIP probably the Home depot or a carpet installation supply store, think yellow pages!
To seal floors
Mannington offer many other flooring options along with vinyl flooring. Examples of their other products are hardwood floors, porcelain floors and laminate floors.
There are a number of places one can purchase vinyl strip doors. Some of the retailers include Bondor Seals, Strip Doors Online, PVC Strip Doors and Uline.
No, bleach is not recommended for cleaning vinyl floors as it can cause discoloration and damage to the surface. It is best to stick to a manufacturer-recommended cleaner or a mild detergent solution when cleaning vinyl floors.
vinyl is impervious to liquid and does not need any sealing.
Vinyl floors were very popular from time to time, especially in the 50s and 60s. After this time, it lost its charm for most people, but can still be seen in some households.
Cheap vinyl floors will not give a new home the classy look like some other options for kitchens and baths. Cheap vinyl flooring also will not wear as well as other options, such as laminate or tile.
Yes. there is usually an underlayment under vinyl, so it sometimes gives you a height issue.
If this blanket is vinyl as many are then use Aqua Seal or Seal All.