If you are 98 years old, you were born 98 years ago. To determine the specific year, you would subtract your current age from the current year. For example, if the current year is 2022, you would subtract 98 from 2022 to find that you were born in 1924.
N = 28 (you have to subtract 70 from both sides of the equation)
(98 - 53) - 3(304/16)45 - 3(19)45 - 57-12
Yes. 201/3 = 67 201/67 = 3 201/1 = 201 201/201 = 1
You can subtract. 98 - 60 = 38, so 1:38
If you are 98 years old, you were born 98 years ago. To determine the specific year, you would subtract your current age from the current year. For example, if the current year is 2022, you would subtract 98 from 2022 to find that you were born in 1924.
N = 28 (you have to subtract 70 from both sides of the equation)
the anwer is 90...subtract 8 from 98 and get 90...the range is the highest number from the smallest number
(98 - 53) - 3(304/16)45 - 3(19)45 - 57-12
Yes. 201/3 = 67 201/67 = 3 201/1 = 201 201/201 = 1
Its factors are: 1, 3, 67 and 201