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Q: How do you subtract in scientific notation?
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When dividing number in scientific notation what must you do with the exponents?

Subtract them.

When dividing in scientific notation what do you do with the exponents?

When dividing in scientific notation, you subtract the exponent of the divisor from the exponent of the dividend. This will give you the exponent of the quotient after division.

How do you find the difference of two in scientific notation?

Convert back to standard notation. Subtract, then convert back to sci. notation.

When dividing numbers in scientific notation what do you do with the exponents?

You subtract the exponent of the divisor from that of the dividend.

How do you subtract two negative scientific notation numbers and come out with a negative scientific notation number?

if the smaller negative sci notation # being subtracted from the larger example: (-1.0x10^0) - (-2.0x10^0) is the same as -1-(-2)= -1 + 2 = 1

What are the rules of adding subtracting dividing and multiplying written in scientific notation?

1 With addition change the scientific notation back to 'normal numbers' and then add accordingly 2 With subtraction change the scientific back to 'normal numbers' and then subtract accordingly 3 With division subtract the exponents and divide the decimals 4 With multiplication add the exponents and multiply the decimals 5 Note that if changes occur below 1 or greater than 9 in the decimal element of the scientific notation then appropriate adjustments must be made

How do you convert 0.000089 into scientific notation?

It is 8.9*10^-5 in scientific notation

What is scientific notation in parentheses?

It is "(scientific notation)".

What is the scientific notation for 89.450?

The scientific notation for 89,450 is: 8.945 × 104

What is 27 in scientific notation?

It is: 2.7*10^0 in scientific notation

What is 0.000098 in scientific notation?

This number in scientific notation is 9.8x10-5.

What is the scientific notation of 9.32x105?

9.32 x 105 already is in scientific notation.9.32 x 105 already is in scientific notation.9.32 x 105 already is in scientific notation.9.32 x 105 already is in scientific notation.