Use the distributive property. Example: 147 - 89
140 - 80 = 60, which is actually 67 since you started with 147.
67 - 9 = 58
147 - 89 = 58
Yes the educated Romans were able to add and subtract mentally but for more complicated calculations they would use an abacus calculating device.
266 A good way to do that mentally would be to make 19 into 20. 14 x 20 = 280, simple mental math. Then just subtract 14 from 280. 266
Pick any number. Multiply by 6. Add 13. Subtract 7. Divide 3. Divide 2. Then subtract by the original number you chose. Your result will always be 1. Tell a friend to mentaly multiply their age by 2. Tell them to add 14 then divide 2. Ask your friend what number they currently have. Now, you mentally subtract 7 from the number they tell you, then you'll know your friend's age.
wich one
Mentally capable means if you are up to it mentally and if your mind can comprehend it.
Assuming you meant 6 x 198... Do a mental sum for 6 x 200 (1200) then subtract 6 x 2 (12) to give you 1188.
Mentally unstable Emotionally challenged Mentally ill Cognitive differences
no you can be obese mentally
a robot functions mentally
Yes, a person who is not mentally challenged can divorce a person who is mentally challenged would have to be proven they are mentally challenged), but they would have to let the courts decide in the provisions of the divorce what you would pay to help sustain the lifestyle of the mentally challenged person.