To sum up means to give a brief summary (I will sum up the meeting in the email).
Your sum is incorrect. Let me sum up.
To sum up, rain is important for civilisation.
The sum of the angles of a triangle MUST add up to 180o.
I can easily find the sum to this problem! I'd like to sum things up now, if I may.
To sum up means to give a brief summary (I will sum up the meeting in the email).
Your sum is incorrect. Let me sum up.
Any number you can add up to get the sum
Strum Sum Up was created in 2007.
To sum up, rain is important for civilisation.
The sum of 2x and 3x is 5x. The coach was asked to sum up his experiences during the championship season.
As you do not know my life story you cannot sum it up.
The African Luhya translation of the English word 'sum up' is "Chokasia".
When you add up the answer you get in the end is called the 'sum'.
A sum just means adding things up.
The sum of the interior angles add up to 540 degrees. The sum of the exterior angles add up to 360 degrees.
The sum of its exterior angles add up to: 360 degrees The sum of its interior angles add up to: 17,640 degrees