-- Multiply the fraction by the full price.
-- Subtract the result from the full price. The difference is the discounted price.
Sale price/original price will give you a fraction. The fraction x100 gives you the percentage that the sale price is of the original price.100-(that percentage) gives the percent taken off.
Take the sale price from the original price. The difference is the discount. Calculate the discount as a percentage of the original price. This is the 'percentage off'. Example: Original price 100 verdibors Sale price 80 verdibors Discount = 100-80=20 verdibors. So percentage off is 20/100 = 20% ----------------------------------------------------- Calculating percentages: To convert fractions to percentages, multiply the top figure of the fraction by 100, then 'cancel down'. e.g. 1/4 ..... 1/4 x 100= 100/4 = 25 %
189.45 x 0.83 = 157.24
$61.18. Take $76.42 times 0.80 (80%). This is the amount you will pay when you take 20% off the price.
You take the original price and subtract the discount. So let's say you have a 10% off sale and the price is 10 dollars before the sale Step 1 find 10% of 10 dollars..This is 1 dollar Step 2 take 1 dollar off of 10 so we have 9 dollars. The sale price is 9 dollars.
Sale price/original price will give you a fraction. The fraction x100 gives you the percentage that the sale price is of the original price.100-(that percentage) gives the percent taken off.
I got a price from a Ford dealership for 1149$ plus tax. Take your existing drive shaft off and take it to a machine shop and have it re worked its basically the same thing and will only cost you a fraction of the price.
Taking off a percent off the price of a asking price on a house depends on the buyer. About 10% is took off the price of house when selling it.
Take the sale price from the original price. The difference is the discount. Calculate the discount as a percentage of the original price. This is the 'percentage off'. Example: Original price 100 verdibors Sale price 80 verdibors Discount = 100-80=20 verdibors. So percentage off is 20/100 = 20% ----------------------------------------------------- Calculating percentages: To convert fractions to percentages, multiply the top figure of the fraction by 100, then 'cancel down'. e.g. 1/4 ..... 1/4 x 100= 100/4 = 25 %
One way to do it:The discount was $1.50. As a fraction of the original price, 1.50/5.00 = 30%.Another way to do it:The present price as a fraction of the original price is 3.50/5.00 = 70%, so themissing 30% was knocked off by the discount.
you can just divide it by two._____________________________________________________________(original price)-(% off in decimal form)*(original price)=[1-(% off in decimal form)]*(original price)=discounted pricein this case, (1-0.5)*(original price)=(original price)/2=discounted price
'Take off' is a word combination with a number of meanings in english. The commonest (non-slang) meanings are ; for an aircraft decoller take off some clothes enlever take off all clothes derober take something off the price deduire
a = variable b = 40%a a - b = c
189.45 x 0.83 = 157.24
$61.18. Take $76.42 times 0.80 (80%). This is the amount you will pay when you take 20% off the price.