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Subtract 0.5

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Q: How do you take a half from a decimal number?
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What is one and half as a decimal?

The number one and a half as 1.5 in decimal form.

How do you change 3 and a half to a decimal?

To change 3 and a half to a decimal you can either do 3.5, 3.50 or 3.500.A half as a decimal is 0.5 and 3 is already a decimal number so 3 and a half is 3.5 in decimal form.

What is the decimal number for one half oz?

The decimal number for one half is 0.5 It does not matter whether it is oz or mile or tonne or metre.

What is the half of a value decimal?

It is the amount obtained when you divide the decimal number by 2.

Is 8 and a half a Natural number?

No it is not a natural number its a decimal or fractional number

How do you write one and a half as a decimal number?


What is a half as a whiole number?

It can is 0.5 as a decimal which can be rounded up to 1 as a whole number

What kind of number is 0.5?

It is a decimal number used to give an answer to a question like: What Is half of 1? Which is simply 0.5

Number value of one-half?

One half is one half. It can be written as a fraction (1/2) or a decimal (.5)

Which decimal number is greater than half?

17.5 is one example.

Is two and a half the same as 2.5?

Yes, expressed as a decimal number, two and a half is equal to 2.5.

How do you convert a percent into a whole number?

If you have 50% you take the percent sign away so then it is 50. notice there is a decimal point after that you move the decimal two spaces to the right so its .5 or one half