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Q: How do you take a root off someone?
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What is an example sentence for the idiom take off your hat to someone?

You had to take your hat off to him based on his success.

What does take your hat to someone mean?

Nothing - If you "take off your hat to someone" you are acknowledging a talent, accomplishment or effort of that person.

What is the root meaning of obey?

The root meaning of obey, I believe, is to complete a task demanded by another person. For example, if someone tells you to take out the trash and you do so, you would be obeying their request.

How to force someone off deed?

To force someone off a deed, you have to take the person to court and file a civil judgment. A judge can remove someone from the deed.

How do you get the bow on Poptropica?

You have to take it off someone in spy island

What wold happen when someone refuses to take off his or her shoes in an airport?

If someone refuses to take off his or her shoes in an airport, they would not be allowed past the security checkpoint. The TSA agent would take them into a room to determine the problem.

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To remove someone from your Facebook you unfriend them and if that doesn't work you can block them. That will take them off.

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take off the circle at the bottom, and mold it into a square.

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can someone answer this please ! :@

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be serious yourself then that seriousness will rub off on them

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