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Q: How do you take a shower in 60 seconds or less?
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Is five hours less than 20000 seconds?

Yes, 5 hours is less than 20,000 seconds. There are 60 minutes in an hour, and 60 seconds in a minute, so 5 hours has 5 x 60 x 60 or 18,000 seconds in it, so it is less.

How long does it take for the Ferrari Enzo to get from 0 to 60kph?

It takes 3.65 seconds to reach 100 kph, so it would take less than 3 seconds to get to 60 kph.

Is 500000 seconds more or less than a week?

Let's do the math: There are 60 seconds in a minute, 60 minutes in an hour--360 seconds in an hour--86,400 seconds in a day. There are seven days in a week, so 604,800 seconds in a week. So, 500,000 seconds is less than one week.

Is 160 seconds greater or less than 3 minutes?

less, because 3 minutes is 180 seconds (there are 60 seconds in a minute)

Is seconds greater or less than minute?

Minutes are greater than seconds because 60 seconds equal a minute. A minute is 1/60 of a minute

Is 8 minutes more or less than 500 seconds?

It is less because 8*60 = 480 seconds

Why despite the TV and radio announcers assurance that for the next 60 seconds we will be conducting a test of the emergency broadcast system does it take less than 60 seconds?

The government recommends 60 seconds for the test, and most stations just read the government's suggested announcement. However, the stations are only obligated to test that the system works- they don't have to leave it on for the full 60 seconds.

How many seconds does it take to circulate the blood?

Around 60 seconds

6 meters take 60 seconds how long does 1 meter take?

Ten seconds

How many minutes are in 2000 seconds?

There are: 2000/60 = 33 minutes and 20 seconds in 2000 seconds, since there are 60 seconds in a minute.there are 60 sec/min so take 2000 seconds and divide by (60 sec/min) to get 33.333 minutes.

How many seconds in 49 hours?

49*60*60 seconds = 176,400 seconds.49*60*60 seconds = 176,400 seconds.49*60*60 seconds = 176,400 seconds.49*60*60 seconds = 176,400 seconds.

What is a fraction of a minute?

Any number of seconds less than 60.