To take a percentage of a number, multiply the number by the decimal equivalent of the percentage, which is the percentage divided by 100. 25 percent of 15 = 15 x 0.25 = 3.75
This is simply because percentage means per 100.
Take the 9 and divide it by 40. Then take the result and multiply by 100 to obtain the percentage. So, (9/40)*100 = 22.5%.
To take a percentage of a number, multiply the number by the decimal equivalent of the percentage, which is the percentage divided by 100. 25 percent of 15 = 15 x 0.25 = 3.75
This is simply because percentage means per 100.
about 28%
You take your percentage and divide it by 100 then times it by your whole number or what you are trying to find the percent of
Take the 9 and divide it by 40. Then take the result and multiply by 100 to obtain the percentage. So, (9/40)*100 = 22.5%.
Charlie Chaplin
They Take withholding taxes from salaries paid