If the fraction has a greater numerator than the denominator than the fraction is greater than one If the fraction has a numerator less than the denominator than the fraction is less than one If the numerator and the denominator are the same numbers than the fraction is equal to one **The numerator is the top number; the denominator is the bottom number**
If the numerator (top number) is smaller than the denominator (bottom number), then the value of the fraction is less than ' 1 '.
compare with random fraction to a benchmark fraction. to tell if a fraction is less or greater than another fraction.
If numerator (top number) is less than denominator (bottom number), fraction is less than 1. If numerator is more than denominator, fraction is more than 1. If top and bottom are the same number, fraction is equal to 1.
It is not possible to tell.
you can find the percent of each fraction and when you see the biggest percent that is your answer . :) hope this helps u
The numerator is less than half of the denominator.
If the fraction has a greater numerator than the denominator than the fraction is greater than one If the fraction has a numerator less than the denominator than the fraction is less than one If the numerator and the denominator are the same numbers than the fraction is equal to one **The numerator is the top number; the denominator is the bottom number**
If the numerator (top number) is smaller than the denominator (bottom number), then the value of the fraction is less than ' 1 '.
compare with random fraction to a benchmark fraction. to tell if a fraction is less or greater than another fraction.
If numerator (top number) is less than denominator (bottom number), fraction is less than 1. If numerator is more than denominator, fraction is more than 1. If top and bottom are the same number, fraction is equal to 1.
Much less than 1 percent.
Any proper fraction is less than 138%. There are an infinite number of them. (There are also an infinite number of improper fractions that are less than 138%, but that's another story.)
If two times the numerator is less than the denominator, the fraction is less than half. If two times the numerator is equal to the denominator, the fraction is equal to a half. If two times the numerator is greater than the denominator, the fraction is greater than half.
if the number above the bottom number is smaller than half of the bottom number, the fraction is less than half. For example, say the fraction is 3/8, half of the bottom number is 4. 3 is smaller than 4 therefore the fraction is less than half.