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just tell it to him strait, but if you have to ask how to do it, maybe you should ask yourself if you really want to tell him that.

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Q: How do you tell your boyfriend you want to see other people?
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DONT TELL they obviously dont want other people knowing so tell them you know

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== == Make sure he really loves you before you get close. If you want to be with him tell your current boyfriend that you should date other people, then get back with your ex and you can live happily ever after LOL!!

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Just tell him

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well, what you have to do is tell people that you want to be alone. If they don't understand make them understand.

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Tell him you want to be more close and you want to have something impertweeen each other instead of just sex

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just tell them right out....I want a baby with you

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You just tell him

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You be honest with them and tell them that you don't want them taking you boyfriend. And you can also tell your boyfriend your feelings on the matter to show trust to them. Hopefully he will also be able to help out.