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Q: How do you transcribe the mRMA of 3'-tacgctttagtagccatt-5'?
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Related questions

Where does the mRMA go after it is made?

mRNA goes out the the ribosome (rRNA) to undergo translation via tRNA

What is a antonym for transcribe?

The antonym for "transcribe" is "dictate".

How do you use transcribe in a sentence?

To transcribe is to write down or record; to translate-Shiro Imosakawi (I'm Japanese)

What part of speech is transcribe?

The word transcribe is a verb. The past tense is transcribed.

Use transcribe in a sentence?

I recorded the interview and I'll transcribe it on paper tonight.

What is the Hebrew word for transcribe?

to transcribe = titek (תִּעְתֵּק)

How do you use transcribe in sentence?

To transcribe means to write down or type out spoken words, often to create a written record or document of what was said. For example, a reporter might transcribe an interview to have a written version of the conversation.

How do you transcribe the lexicon in skyrim?

Well when you get to the part where you have to transcribe it you have to solve the puzzle and push the buttons in the right order

How do you transcribe boy?


Can a nurse transcribe medication orders into treatment charts?

A Registered Nurse can transcribe medication orders to a Medication or Treatment Chart, with care to transcribe it exactly. HOWEVER, this duty often falls to a Charge Nurse.

How do you transcribe metric fraction less than 1 so how would you transcribe point five milliseconds?

0.5 ms.

How do you use the word 'transcribe' in a sentence?

I was asked to transcribe the movie script onto paper. ((: I Hope I Helped. (: -ILoveB.<3